Roslyn Karadada (also spelt Karedada) was born in Derby 19/04/62 and now resides with her husband Lenny and children in Kalumburu with the other members of her very talented family.
She is of Gnurre skin and her Language is Wunanbul. Ros is well educated and has studied language and culture which she teaches to the children of her Community. She travels within the region extensively with her husband which is very fortunate as she is able to collect the finest soft slate which she carves to perfection, as well as her beautiful Boab Nuts, invariably featuring Wandjina images and images of her Kalumburu country..
Roslyn is as comfortable with acrylic medium as she is with ochre, and with small paintings to huge and we mean huge works!
She has developed a distinctive style of Wandjina art, with rather more emphasis on the little people as they are depicted in the rock art than some of her family members. She is a strong lady and a strong painter she stamps her carvings, digeridoos and her magnificent art MOST CERTAINLY “ROSLYN KARADADA”!
Gallery Note: If you have read information about any of the Karadadas in publications or on the internet you may be wondering about our spelling of their last name. Most publications spell their last name Karedada. After talking to the artists personally regarding the subject, the correct spelling is Karadada.