Jeff from Artlandish Gallery with a huge Barra
Photos of The Kimberley
Below you will find slideshows and photos of the beautiful Kimberley region in the north of Western Australia.
Jeff from Artlandish Gallery with a huge Barra
Below you will find slideshows and photos of the beautiful Kimberley region in the north of Western Australia.
The Grotto:
The Grotto is a waterhole oasis about 30 km’s from Wyndham and 70 km’s from Kununurra in the Kimberley, Western Australia. It’s form takes on that of a natural amphitheater surrounded by Boab trees and stair like cliffs. The water flows all year round but is most spectacular during the wet time when these pictures were taken.
Five Rivers Lookout – Wyndham
At the top of the Bastion Range overlooking the northern Kimberley town of Wyndham is the Five Rivers Lookout.
It is so named due to its exceptional vantage point over the Ord, Forrest, King, Durack and Pentecost Rivers that merge with the Cambridge Gulf.
The photos in the slideshow also give you a look at the rare phenomenon of clouds sitting on top of the water.
Ivanhoe Crossing – Kununurra
Situated a few km’s outside Kununurra is Ivanhoe Crossing. Ivanhoe Crossing is a concrete causeway over the Ord River and was once the main road to Wyndham.
In the dry time this road is passable and you can find many videos on you-tube showing vehicles crossing despite the water flowing all year. During the wet the road becomes in-passable as you will see in the photos.
This area is inhabited by salt water crocodiles and is also a good place to try your luck Barramundi fishing.
The bird in the photos was doing some fishing of his own and did very well for himself on this day.
Sign at Five Rivers Lookout explaining Wyndham’s history time-line