Jimmy (Jimbo) Johnson was born in Derby Western Australia in 1968. He grew up at Warmun Community (Turkey Creek) where he now resides with his wife Jane Yalunga and their five children. Jane is the daughter of one of Australia’s best known artists, Rover Thomas and is also a talented artist.
Jimbo has an in depth knowledge of the Kitja country surrounding Turkey Creek, and worked for many years as a Ranger in the Purnululu (Bungle Bungles) area, which is now World Heritage listed. He currently works at the new Power House on his Community at Warmun.
An Emerging ochre artist, Jimbo paints both for his Art Centre at Warmun and as an independent artist. He has been painting consistently for four years and being of both Kitja and Gnoonyendi skin is permitted to paint the landscapes and Dreaming stories of a huge expanse of country including Purnululu, Springvale, Texas Downs right to Yiyili which is desert country to the south. His figurative works are excellent and he uses the ochre medium with a professional approach and stylish technique.
Jimbo exhibits in company with both the Senior Ochre Artists and his contemporaries of the East Kimberley Region. His work was included in the December 2007 exhibition Ngarrangkarni & Bible Stories’ at the prestigious Alcaston Gallery in Melbourne along with international artists Mabel Juli, Madigan Thomas and Shirley Purdie.
A talented artist with an extraordinary knowledge of his country, he certainly has a promising future in the world of art.