Carrying on the tradition of her famous father Rover Thomas
Jane was born in Wyndham, East Kimberley in 1972 and grew up on Texas Downs Station and at Warmun Community where she now resides with her husband Jimmy (Jimbo) Johnson, also an artist, and their five children. She worked for many years as a Teacher’s Aid at the Ngalangangpum Community School at Warmun. Jane now works in the office at the Warmun Art Centre, Turkey Creek. She paints for her Art Centre, and as an Independent Artist.
She is the daughter of one of Australia’s best known artists, Rover Thomas. Jane commenced painting seriously in the last three years and her content includes her mother’s family country of Ngarrgooroon (Texas Downs Station), and figurative works of birds and animals as well as superb depictions of religious figurative paintings all complete with accurate written information including stories and text from the Bible. She is a well educated woman, with both artistic talent and the will to succeed. She has in-depth knowledge of her father’s family who have passed on to Jane the Culture and the Dreamings of his Kukatja heritage,
Jane uses the Traditional ochres of the Kimberley region with confidence and her early works hold promise of a brilliant artistic future.
Selected Exhibitions
Ralph Pucci International Gallery, New York (in association with Cross Cultural Art Exchange, Darwin)
Dog Dreamings, Seva Frangos Art, Subiaco, Perth, WA
”Women from Texas Downs,” Gadfly Gallery, Dalkeith, Perth, WA
”What Bird Is That?,” Alcaston Gallery, Fitzroy, Melbourne, VIC
”Warmun Art Centre Presents”, Mary Place Gallery, Sydney, NSW