Gordon was born in Perth and grew up in Turkey Creek (Warmun). His grandfather is David Turner, Chairperson of Turner Community via Turkey Creek. Gordon’s mother, Evelyn, a talented artist, is from Glen Hill, where Gordon now lives. He has four children his sister, Jodie, is also a top artist as are many of the Glen Hill Community Members so Gordon has grown up surrounded by art from both Glen Hill relatives and those at Turkey Creek.
Gordon has worked in Kununurra for Waringarri Aboriginal Corp. as a Field Officer, East Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service and for Waringarri Art Centre.
He has developed an enviable style combining imaging with dot art and achieves a Three Dimensional effect which is very popular. Gordon works with both ochre or acrylic. His carving of Boab Nuts is in keeping with his artistic talents and Glen Hill country is renowned for some of the best natural Boab Nuts in the Kimberley.