Cassie was born in Derby 3rd August 1977. She has three children and lives in Kalumburu, in the very far north of the East Kimberley Region. Eldest daughter of Kevin and Bernadette Waina, she has inherited her father’s talent in art and her mother’s ability to make beautiful artefacts.
She paints Wandjina and Bradshaw (Gwion Gwion) Rock Art figures of the Mitchell Plateau, with emphasis on Bradshaw, as does Kevin, (an established International Artist), both on canvas, slate and bark. Her younger sister Melissa and her brother Lawrence complete the picture of an extremely important family carrying on the Kalumburu tradition of painting the rock art synonymous with the area. The Karadada family with Lily and husband Jack and family, and Jack’s brother Louis and wife Rosie and family have been established in Kalumburu for four generations, making Kalumburu a mecca for art collectors and tourists.
Both families know the land and their culture will be preserved by the diversity and quality of their art.