Beryline was born on Texas Downs Station in the East Kimberley, Western Australia on 12th April 1952. She is the daughter of the renowned George Mung Mung; her father and Paddy Jampinjii were the founders of the ochre art movement, which subsequently included such luminaries as Jack Britten, Rover Thomas and Hector Jandany.
Beryline is married to International Artist Freddie Timms, one of our best known Australian artists. Her brother is Patrick Mung, also an established elder ochre artist.
Beryline resides at Frog Hollow Community (Wurreranginy) south of Turkey Creek, where Jack Britten was Chairperson prior to his passing in 2002. She teaches at the Community School and has done so for many years. Beryline is articulate, always smiling, a tireless worker in passing on her talent in painting and cultural knowledge to the children. Her paintings are particularly strong and definitive in style, very often depicting significant current cultural events, such as the opening of the New Ord River Bridge in the East Kimberly.
Beryline could be regarded as one of ochre art’s best kept secrets, as her talent is equal to her family heritage and because of personal commitments, she is not a prolific artist, but certainly worthy of attention by Collectors.