Alan resides in Kununurra with his wife Peggy, and both are renowned artists. He has been painting since the early 1980s and his talent is recognised Australia-wide and Internationally. He paints both for Waringarri Art Centre and as an independent artist.
He has been fortunate in that he is one of a few selected artists whose attributes were outstanding enough to gain recognition early in the Aboriginal Art movement with Peggy, he exhibited with and participated in printmaking programmes alongside some of the most successful ochre artists in the East Kimberley region Jack Britten, Queenie McKenzie, Rover Thomas (all deceased). His fastidious approach to his work has gained him an enviable reputation, commanding high prices for his paintings.
Alans limited edition prints of his own corroboree Bali Bali Balga Joonba were instantly successful, being collected by Parliament House. He and Peggy were invited to present this corroboree at the ATSIC Art Awards Perth, with dancing headboards woven by Peggy. This now famous corroboree is danced in Kununurra annually, and Alan and Peggy still travel (2009) extensively for cultural events, including ceremony and law for the youngsters.
Alan was born at Victoria River Downs Station in 1933 and worked as a stockman on many stations, including Newry, Ivanhoe, The Elsey, Maninbelli, Elizabeth Downs, Delamere, Willaroo and as head stockman on Beswick. When the town of Kununurra emerged, in 1965 Alan became a machine operator for the Government. His language is Ngarinyman/Ngaliwurru and he is one of the leading Elders in the East Kimberley.
His style is totally distinctive, elegant and precise and with every painting he shares the story depicting his culture, his knowledge of the country and his diverse experience of life.
Selected Exhibitions
Kimberley Focus, Concert Hall PIAF, Perth
Newcastle Regional Gallery, Newcastle
Waringarri Song and Dance Cycle, UWA, Perth
Kimberley Art, Short Street Gallery, Broome
Moon Show, Arthouse Gallery, Sydney
Solo Exhibition, Span Galleries, Melbourne
Warrgebarenkoo, Fremantle Arts Centre, Perth
Kimberley Ochre, Cullen Bay, Darwin
Heyson Prize, Adelaide
Groundwork, Fremantle Arts Centre, Perth
All About Art, Alcaston Gallery, Melbourne
New Wave Kimberley Art, Corowa House, Margaret River
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Museum and Art Gallery of NT, Darwin
Kimberley Art Award, Kununurra
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Museum and Art Gallery of NT, Darwin
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, Museum and Art Gallery of NT, Darwin
Fremantle Print Award, Perth
Selected Collections
Parliament House Collection, Canberra
University of Woollongong
Edith Cowan University Collection, Perth
Cable Beach Resort, Broome (Commission)
Royal Perth Hospital Collection, Perth
Broadmeadows Health Service Collection, Melbourne
Artbank, Sydney
Bachelor Institute, Darwin
Private Collections, Australia and International
Kleinert and Neal, The Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture, Oxford University Press, 2001